Sunday, August 28, 2011

Who don't Ker. - Part 1

Which one of these people really doesn't care what people think about them?



Thursday, August 18, 2011

Logo Madness Part 1

I hope that you enjoy bad logos.  These logos show a lack of design, forethought and common sense.

No explanations will be given.

When logos are this bad an explanation is a complement.

There is a Michael Jackson joke here somewhere ... 


..."MY cheek retractor can ALSO do an ultrasound...".


"K" is for Kolon.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Alright huge fan base,  One of these pics is not like the other.  One of these pictures is not the same.  One of these pics is not like the other. NOW its time to play our game.  Its time to play OUR game.

Check the exhibits and  find the oddity.  I bet you can't, because your fat, bald and have chicken legs !!!!
 ... Oh wait thats me.

Pretty Boy Bird = Looks like an Oreo milkshake meets a chicken.

The peeping J-Raff - "Look!, he has a total woody."


Even Leapards get alopecia ... and bipedalism.
Poor long term thinking - Ix-nay on the office job-ay (Pig Latin).
If this dude wears plaid people will go into seizures.

The missing link?
Ugly Unicorn?
Big nose, pale skin, gold jewelry, sacred lake ... WWJD?

Pic out the winning entry and win the trip to a 5 star hotel and resort paid for by you.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Just Let It Out !!!!!

Letting stress and pressure build up inside is very unhealthy.

We here at the Martian Monkey Research Facility believe in expressing yourself and taking the cap off of the pressure valve.

These two videos are shining examples of getting in touch of the human that exists within our robotic lives.


Video 1 Breakdown:
- A young man tells actor Danny Glover that he still cares about his movies.
- Danny Glover loses his composure because he has not been relevant since the 'Lethal Weapon' franchise.

Video 2 Breakdown:
- A city council meeting gets 'heated' very quickly.
- This was the same location as the "Where's the Beef" commercials circa 1985.
- We find out where the beef went.

Express Yourself !


Hello again,

After many requests (Read as: One request from my mom) I am posting Part 2 of CUTENESS OVERLOAD.    I could just eat these little guys up, with barbecue sauce, fava beans and a nice chianti.

BOO - The worlds cutest dog

  • Whats up with the licking?  Does he have Kool-Aid on his nose?
  • I wonder if he rides the doggy short bus?
  • Special Talents: Boo can pic his nose with his own tongue
  • That haircut might makes his head look like a box
  • I bet he smells like a My Little Pony

Rolly Polly Puppy

  • "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up"
  • Weebles really wobble but they don't fall down
  • Got legs?
  • The rigamortis is gonna setting in soon...
  • Sure your not a turtle?

Baby Ducks and Wind = Anarchy

  • Bowling with ducks
  • "Help Mom", ....... ..but all she heard were silent quacks
  • If this duck was a crossing guard she would be fired from her job
  • Strength in numbers?  Tell that to the next duck posse.....
  • Just be glad there wasn't a highway nearby...or a vacuum

Cute Baby Ostriches Nursing 

  • Soylent Green is Made Out Of People!!!
  • Raptors live! THEY LIVE
OOooops, ran out of cuteness..... again.
Sorry, I'll do better next time

: (

Thee Martian Monkey: His Royal Apeness

Wow, this sculpture by Alfred Paredes is perfect for worshiping false idols and other acts of blaspheme.

The Martian Monkey

This ... Is YOUR American Idol... sans nipples.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Baby Bunny
  • If only this little baby bunny could double as a key chain.
  • I wonder if it squeaks if you squish it.
  • It looks all 'Chinese eyed'.
  • PS - That bunny has some frickin dirty feet. Stanky!

Hamster on a Piano
  • Wow, he is really getting some mileage out of that one kernal.
  • I heard corn is like ether to a hamster.

Baby Seal
  • Poor seal, nobody told him he isn't supposed to have legs.
  • This is like that scene in poltergeist, only cuter.
  • This is like that scene from 'Kids' when some guy starts singing "I have no legs".
  • I wonder if he is going to a club tonight? (Get it, Seals get clubbed whatev ..)

Scene from Kids - Compare it  yourself

Sorry guys,  I ran out of cuteness...
Next time I'll do better...

Best Songs on Youtube - Charlie Sheen and Bed Intruder

Wow, for every 10,000 videos of people making annoying rambling vanity projects we get one good Youtube video.

If I see one more idiot reading a shopping list I will officially disavow my belief in Darwinism.

So here are two gems from an internet filled with bile and vinegar.

Song 1:  
The Parody Factory feat. Charlie Sheen

This song is a banging club track and a recount of Charlie's epic lifestyle; with Katie Couric acting as Charlie's hype-man.

FACT - There is a positive correlation between high school kids hearing this song and winding up in a bathroom laying in a puddle of vomit three days later. ...  (I did.)

TygerBlud 4 Lyf MofFos !!!!!

Charlie Sheen:  Genious or Madman?


Song 2: 
Autotune News feat. Antoine Dodson
"Bed Intruder Song"

After a local news station went out to report a simple home invasion, the story was picked up and turned into a great song.

FACT:   This beat is so Crunk Lil Jon started banging his head with his vagazled goblet until he couldn't say "Yeah" anymore.  : (

PS - They never found the rapist in Lincoln Park.....All just Big Talk, No Action.
(Not surprising)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Mike Tyson Wants a 'Brown Belt' and Other News


Mike Tyson Wants to Fight for a Brown Belt?

This is an oldy but a goody.  Right after Mike Tyson got out of prison, he held a press conference which got pretty ugly.  Tyson began to aggressively flirt with a male reporter using stories of his own sexual prowess. Judging by his colorful language, Tyson had clearly cultivated his sexual repertoire during prison life.  

Tyson had a Championship gold belt, but now sounds focused on earning his brown belt.

Can anyone say meltdown?
Can anyone say analingus?

The "Montana/Pumper" Chronicles...

Lawrence Fishbourne's 19 year old daughter is named Montana.  She decided to call herself  'Chippy D' and begin a porn career. Here is footage of her dining with porno co-star Sir Brian Pumper of Gutterville.  He explains in detail the nuance and methodology of crafting his productions.

This interview with Professor Pumper could have been profound if not for the fact that it takes place in a rundown  KFC with wobbly tables.  MMmm,  greasy breasts and thighs...... AND fried chicken!!!

Watch Professor Pumper wax philosophic about boning strangers.

Brian Pumper looks like he is wearing everything he owns.
Montana Fishbourne looks like she is bored with Professor Pumper.

Brian Pumper makes Dr. Ruth look like Mary Hart.

Brian Pumper makes Jerry Seinfeld  look like Tony Robbins.

Mike Tyson should call up Brian Pumper.

.....................................................Damn, this blog is asinine. I feel dirty now.  : (


Children of the Corn - Part 3

Okay, celebrity children - Comparison time.
                                      Montana Fishbourne VS Chet Hanks

M. Fishy

                                                                           Hank Cheezy

Critically acclaimed actor Lawrence Fishbourne's daughter, Montana,  has taken the high road and gone into hard-core pornography.  The porn industry grosses $14 Billion annually.

Critically acclaimed actor Tom Hanks' son, Chet Haze, has taken the obvious route that most Hollywood raised rich kids do and become a rapper.  The white rapper industry does not really gross anything....

Winner:  Montana Fishbourne

Quote. "Son, why can't you do something normal with your life,  like Lawrence's daughter" *Tom storms off*
- Tom Hanks

Quote. "Listen Montana, I'm not proud of your choices in life, but at least your not Chet Hanks" *hug*
- Lawrence Fishbourne

Reverse Burgle

                                                            Reverse Burgle
                                                                             Because tough love is a form of kindness

Are you looking for a new thrill?
Have some extra cash to blow?
A zest for design and adventure?
Easy.  Reverse Burgle.

Instead of breaking into a house and taking there stuff, you can assert your dominance in a much different way.  It is still a gross violation of privacy but adds a semi-charitable component.

Break into a home BUT start replacing their crappy belongings with better merchandise.  Reverse Burgle!

Replace there old tube T.Vs with flat screen LCDs, put down a better throw rug, giv'em a new set of electric toothbrushes, provide new bed sheets, replace there awful clothing with preppy Lacoste polo shirts, and even Photoshop there pictures (Nobody admits they looked ugly in a picture....), give them some condoms, condiments and even a convection oven.

Oh snap, almost forgot - give them a Tivo and program in some educational programs.

Find there cash savings? Add a few hundred bucks - Reverse Burgle.  BAM!
Find an old smelly cat?  Wash it - BAM.  Reverse Burgle!
Don't find any books?  Build a shelf and fill it with classics for the illiterate sods.  BAM.  R.B.
Fridge is full of fatty foods?  BAM, NOW the Pizza Pops box is stuffed with frozen veggies!
Too much art? redistribute the art.
Not enough art? Add some art. ............. esreveR elgruB!

It's kind of like playing gangster god and interior decorator at the same time!
Reverse Burgle! A gross violation of privacy, a gift of better stuff.


Puppy Exchange: Love Puppies? Hate Dogs? - Best Business Ideas Ever.

Okay, here is a fantastic idea.  The Puppy Exchange.  People get sent a new puppy every 4 month, and after that you send it back and get a new puppy for 4 months.  This way you get ALL puppy, NO giant dogs.  You cannot read a book with a freaking huge Husky on your lap.....unless its under 4 months old!!!

Want a cute lap dog?  Call Puppy Exchange
Have a few months off work? Call Puppy Exchange.  Bam!
Have a small bed but want a Labrador puppy?  .....Call .P.E!

The old dogs can go to, i don't know, blind people, or science, or "good homes" or stuff like that.... Market forces usually distribute things with supplies and demanders. I saw a graph one time so I'm sure the dogs will be fine.