Reverse Burgle
Because tough love is a form of kindness
Are you looking for a new thrill?
Have some extra cash to blow?
A zest for design and adventure?
Easy. Reverse Burgle.
Instead of breaking into a house and taking there stuff, you can assert your dominance in a much different way. It is still a gross violation of privacy but adds a semi-charitable component.
Break into a home BUT start replacing their crappy belongings with better merchandise. Reverse Burgle!
Replace there old tube T.Vs with flat screen LCDs, put down a better throw rug, giv'em a new set of electric toothbrushes, provide new bed sheets, replace there awful clothing with preppy Lacoste polo shirts, and even Photoshop there pictures (Nobody admits they looked ugly in a picture....), give them some condoms, condiments and even a convection oven.
Oh snap, almost forgot - give them a Tivo and program in some educational programs.
Find there cash savings? Add a few hundred bucks - Reverse Burgle. BAM!
Find an old smelly cat? Wash it - BAM. Reverse Burgle!
Don't find any books? Build a shelf and fill it with classics for the illiterate sods. BAM. R.B.
Fridge is full of fatty foods? BAM, NOW the Pizza Pops box is stuffed with frozen veggies!
Too much art? redistribute the art.
Not enough art? Add some art. ............. esreveR elgruB!
It's kind of like playing gangster god and interior decorator at the same time!
Reverse Burgle! A gross violation of privacy, a gift of better stuff.
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